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Internal links optimum

Perhaps our best-kept secret. Optimal internal linking, at scale. Why? Because it translates to significantly more traffic when your link power is strategically placed where it yields the best returns.


What: Invest link worth
Why: Optimise on true SEO potential
How: Disclose everything first; make 'top' lists next
Pricing: Setup: € 4797, Subscription: p/m € 397

Internal link optimisation is like investing: place the value where it yields the best returns #

The best way to explain something technical is by using a metaphor.

And as far as we're concerned, investing is THE metaphor for optimizing internal links. Doing this well is the difference between compounded profit and losses:

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    The total assets you invest with: those are the 'external links,' or in other words, the overall quality and quantity of links, citations, mentions, relationships, quotes from other websites to your website, to you, or your employees.

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    Where you link to within your website: those are your purchased shares. It matters where you link to within your website, where you don't, in what manner, and how often.

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    Some shares are less valuable; others are more so: but which shares (pages within your website) are they? And does that remain the same?

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    It's impossible to manually beat the market: unless, of course, Warren Buffett decides to work as an SEO. But for ordinary mortals, tracking an index is almost always the most profitable choice. The same applies to internal link optimization.

We do this entirely automatically by closely observing the market and adapting to it.

How it works #

This is a hybrid service. We start with a collaboration with your IT and design teams. The navigation and internal link structure are prepared for investment.

Next, the cleverness of our automation comes into play. Now we can steer towards net results: the best links in the best places.

Step 1: Unlocking everything through at least 3 'routes' #

We begin with an important SEO tactic that is often not well-organized on many websites: the internal link structure.

For example, we will create sitemaps. Or make the faceted search system indexable. Perhaps the PDP (Product Detail Page) lifecycle also needs to be sorted out.

Or we come up with other 'routes' that ensure both Google and people have multiple ways, multiple routes to access everything, with as few steps as possible.

Step 2: Automated 'top lists' #

Then comes the opportunity for our automation to shine. Link Optimum chooses which links are best placed in the best locations. Why? Net results.

An example of step 2: #

Let's say you offer a product with nationwide coverage. People primarily search for that product locally, like 'product + place name.' And you're not dominant enough in the market to rank #1 for all desired search terms. Maybe you're a top-3 player.

There's a good chance that 'product + top 25 largest cities' is what everyone is targeting. After all, those are the biggest places with the most potential.

Which places are the ones you should link to the most? Are provinces or regions within provinces more interesting because everyone is focusing on places? Or just a few major cities with a lot of volume where you can still score enough?

Link Optimum calculates it for you. The result is a list of links. The links you should link to instead of the standard top 25 largest places where everyone is already competing.

The list may include medium-sized cities, large cities, places, regions, and provinces.

Best-performing places. Not your usual suspects

Top places Type
Zuid-Limburg Region
Venlo Provincial town
Den Haag Large city
Landgraaf Municipality
Friesland Province
Roosendaal Provincial town
Rotterdam Large city
Heerlen Provincial town
Limburg Province
Zeeland Province


We could boast numbers, but rather let others, who've actually used the product, do the talking:

We honestly didn't really expect it, but given previous good SEO results with Jaap.nl, we wanted to give this a try. We received a list of links that we had to place on our homepage. Links to places on our site we wouldn't normally link to quickly. And the result was astonishing: very quickly, we saw a huge increase in traffic. In later analyses, it turned out that this was due to increased positions on terms where we were already very visible, but to which we had given too little attention until now.

Michael Rouet
General Manager - Jaap.nl

Pricing #

As stated, Link Optimum knows two separate stages. Per stage we use a fitting pricing model:

Phase 1: consultancy #

We'll first help you with preparing your website. We don't know yet what this will take, so we use our regular consultancy pricing:

Tier S: 12-60

€ 137

Tier M: 60-120

€ 117


Tier L: 120+

€ 107

When that's done, we start with the actual product:

Product & setup #

In deze fase stellen we link optimum in, waarna het systeem dagelijks uw interne links - volledig automatisch - optimaliseert.

Setup - Link Optimum

€ 4797

Subscription fee #

For continuous usage of the product we use a subscription-based monthly or yearly fee.

Tip: if you use the yearly subscription, you receive two months for free!


€ 3970

-€ 794


€ 397

Extra support #

We always offer fair use support for any product.

But if needed, you can also call upon extra support. Pricing is simple: three wages, depending on the amount of hours required (during 12 months).

Of course, only the hours that are actually 'used' will be invoiced.

Tier S: 12-60

€ 137

Tier M: 60-120

€ 117


Tier L: 120+

€ 107

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