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How are we doing in SEO? What should we focus on? Why? These are the questions the SEO-APK answers. APK is a Dutch acronym, meaning something like 'Generic Periodic Examination'. For this, I use the Maslow-Eikhart model.


What: Periodic SEO-benchmark
Why: Answers the question: "are we competitive?"
How: 40+ SEO-analysis, by hand
Pricing: Setup: € 2797, Subscription: p/q € 1398.5

The SEO-APK actually is a data-informed story #

SEO is a black box, with hard to answer questions. We know. That's why I've made a model that answers them. Ideally suited as input for an online marketing strategy, as a second opinion, and as internal presentation material for stakeholders.

I use the Maslow-Eikhart model to analyse your online presence, and the online presence of your most important competitors. Then I challenge it to market developments and my own expertise.

Why? To gain deep insight to important business questions that, as far as I'm concerned, precede whatever SEO-action you can think of: start with why.

The model: the Maslow-Eikhart pyramid of SEO #

I developed this model myself, but of course it is firmly based on Maslow's famous hierarchy of needs. That is on purpose: I was looking for a way to explain SEO to others, without saying anything about how SEO is done. The goal was to align with the goals we can reach with SEO, and I wanted to be able to connect to knowledge almost everyone already has.

This model is goal-oriented and data-driven. Older SEO-models are usually more task-oriented, and less data-driven.

The model provides the following benefits:

  • -

    It assumes a hierarchy: everything is important, but when basic needs aren't met, the effectiveness of higher needs goes down

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    We align multiple actions to any single goal. These actions vary depending on context and type of website. They are all expressed as grades between 1 and 10, and are also weighted.

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    The goals are easy to explain, in particular for those who do not work in SEO. This is the main advantage of this model.

The Maslow-Eikhart SEO-pyramid

Every level is a goal. Per level we decide which metrics to pursue. It's wise to benchmark this against one or more main competitors.

This is a goal-oriented way of looking at SEO, and therefore very different from the classic Tech <> Content <> Links way.


Trend: In Google’s crossfire? Why? Competitors gaining?


Popular: Links? Citations? Quotes? Expertise? E-E-A-T?


Better: Better than the competition? High CES / NPS? Reviews sentiment? Quality visits? E-E-A-T? Up to date?

Clear & complete

Clear & complete: Does a bot understand? A human? No cannibalization? Enough branded traffic?


Reachable: No errors? Fast? No orphans? Indexability ok?

Powerpoint-ready #

In the end you simply want to know how well you're doing 'in SEO'; where strengths, weaknesses and opportunities are, and why that is so.

You will not get that answer if we show you 57 pages with data and jargon. Instead, the APK gives you:

  1. 1.

    1 generic grade: for you, your competitors. Plus 5 sub-grades for every goal. This tells you: How are we doing

  2. 2.

    1 ‘radar chart’ graph, bases on the 5 sub-grades, for you and optionally 2 or 3 competitors. This shows you, visually, where strengths, weaknesses, and ergo, opportunities are: Where are you in the playing field?

  3. 3.

    A short explanation of the grades, combined with market knowledge: Why is this the story?

  4. 4.

    And of course, the full scan with all tests and results. I will talk these through with you, so when you (or we) present the grades to your colleagues, you'll know what they are based on.

An example #

The APK consists of a whole bunch of SEO-tests. Every test has an outcome, and these outcomes are expressed as grades between 1 and 10.

For example, some fictional scores:

Website Reachable? Complete? High quality? Authority? Trend?
Competitor A 7,9 7,8 9,2 3,4 5,4
Competitor B 2,2 3,2 7,5 8,9 9
Competitor C 9 8 5 4,5 5,5
Your website 7,1 4,5 6 7,1 5,5

Which leads to the following visualisation:

Radar chart with SEO-APK scores Radar Chart Maslow-Eikhart pyramid

What we see:

  • -

    Competitor B is technically flawed, but very popular en has high quality content. A sleeping giant.

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    Competitor C shows almost the opposite: technically sound, but the audience doesn't really seem to care much for it

  • -

    Competitor A is comparable to competitor B, just a bit better on the content quality side of things

  • -

    And lastly your own website: it scores decent overall, but should be careful with the 'trends': statistics show a slow decline, which suggests that there may be a structural problem we should address.

So what is the story for you? You have one sleeping, but powerful competitor that lets some opportunities lie, for now. You have two competitors who already seem to be at the max of what they're capable of.

Your challenge is to build authority and popularity as fast as possible! There is an opportunity here, if you start solving problems (and let people know about it), and providing online value. Basic technical SEO is not important right now (only for hygiene purposes).

Pricing #

You can enjoy the APK once or recurring per quarter. Also, it is an optional expansion to include one or more competitors.

These are the options:

Product & setup #

1 grade; 5 sub-grades. A clear benchmark of your SEO-prowess: the APK.


€ 2797

Optional: subscription #

You can also repeat the APK every quarter. For this we reduce the price to 50%


€ 1398.5

Optional: extra APK #

Benchmark your own scores against one or more competitors.


€ 1398.5

Optional: subscription #

For extra APK's, we also offer a 50% discount when used in a subscription.


€ 699.25

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