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Extra support

Need some extra occasional SEO-advice? From an established Dutch SEO-strategist? We have something for you. We call it a ’strippenkaart', a kind of pay-as-you-go.


What: SEO support on-demand
Why: Evaluation. New plans. Help.
How: Hourly billing

Extra support on-demand #

We always offer fair use support for our products. But maybe you want to talk about new plans, or simply need some help getting into a nice flow while working with it? You buy extra support for our standard hourly wages. Length and frequency of course, are up to you.

Wages #

With the ‘strippenkaart’, you reserve slots of an n-amount of hours, against an hourly wage that we’ve already agreed upon before:

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    The maximum amount of hours is set. The minimum amount you use, defines the tariff. In practice, this means that we agree upon something like this: ‘minimum 4 hour, maximum 16 hours a month’. The precise execution of course, is up to you.

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    We invoice every month, afterwards, and we only charge for the hours that we’ve actually ‘used’.

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    The reserveration expires after 12 months. Not using it? That allright, then we’ve only made a deal on paper and the resrevartion expires automatically.

Wages #

Assuming a period of 12 months.

Tier S: 12-60

€ 137

Tier M: 60-120

€ 117


Tier L: 120+

€ 107

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